For the last few months the Digioh team built a Benchmark integration to help customers send files and capture email subscribers. This is a guest blog post by Rishi Shah, an email marketing expert and the founder of Digioh. He has helped companies like NBC, San Jose Mercury News, and Kaplan.

It took me a while to warm up to email marketing. I would keep reading success stories and think I was a total failure. 8 years later and having advised thousands of clients, I know what the biggest myths on email marketing. Here are top 5 myths I wish I knew when I was getting started.

Myth #1: Your Email List is Constantly Growing

Most email lists stagnates for a few months or a few years. A few ways to kill the stagnation is to offer digital incentives like a coupon or PDF or ask for them to join your list when they sign up for your service.

Myth #2: No One Ever Unsubscribes

People unsubscribe; it’s what they do. Unsubscribing is healthy for your list because it keeps your open and click rates higher which in turn increases your deliverability score. Your customer could outgrow your product or could just be doing some email spring-cleaning. You can decrease unsubscribe rates by asking for how frequent they would like to be contacted at sign up. According to MarketingProfs the average unsubscribe rate is 0.25%, so anything below that is great!

Myth #3: Adding a Twitter Button will Grow Your List

Great content and amazing products help you grow your list. Twitter and Facebook buttons make it easier to share, but aren’t the reason people share.

Myth #4: The Best Place for Your Content is Your Own Blog

The best place for your content is where the most traffic is. If you can get more eyeballs on your posts you will be guaranteed more email subscribers. One way to get more eyeballs is by submitting a guest blog post on a high traffic blog. Make sure you use a lead magnet like Digioh or an Unbounce landing page in your guest blog post to capture email addresses.

Myth #5: People will Join Your List because You’re Awesome

Nobody cares about you (unless you’re a celebrity)! People will join your list to become awesome. Make bold claims on how you will improve their business or life dramatically and then give them content that actually does that.

PS If you liked this blog post you will love his free eBook: 10 Paying Customers in 10 Days!


作者 rishishah