You’ll be hard pressed to find many corporations working harder towards world domination than Google. From Android operating systems to Chromebook laptops, the Mountain View-based company most of us associate with internet search certainly has a lot on its plate these days. Some of its latest initiatives got us to wondering if just maybe the G-men are moving too fast.
Google Analytics Gets Real-Time Data
When it comes to tracking website performance, efficient reporting tools can get a little pricey, to say the least. There are quite a few analytics solutions on the market, but many of them will set you back a pretty penny. The good thing is that many free programs also exist, with Google Analytics being one of the best available. This software has always been effective in the tracking and reporting department, but the one aspect it has lacked is the ability to measure performance up to the moment activity occurs on a website. That is, until now.
On September 29, Google rolled out a major update for its analytics tool with the launch of Google Analytics Real-Time. This new feature is essentially a collection of comprehensive reports that shows the user what is happening on their site as it happens, which makes it great for measuring immediate impact. For now, real-time data is only available in the new version of the program, and can be accessed by clicking the “New Version” link at the top right of the interface. According to Google, the reports will be made available to all users over the coming weeks.
A Greener Google
As one of the biggest players in the internet world, environmentalists could easily point the finger directly at Google for polluting the environment. After all, the company does control a multitude of data centers, servers and energy hungry resources, which are believed to be contributing to global warming and other environmental issues. However, the internet powerhouse has been on an eco-friendly kick for some time now, and recently decided to ramp up its efforts by helping others go green.
On September 27, it was announced on the official Google blog that Google had invested $75 million in a partnership with Clean Power Finance, a company that provides software and financing solutions to firms in the solar energy industry. The partnership is designed to bring solar energy to as many as 3,000 homes. This effort marks Google’s second investment in solar energy initiatives for residential environments. The first was a $280 million investment in national leading solar power company SolarCity. To date, it has poured more than $850 million into creating and deploying renewable energy.
Page Talks Google’s Full Plate at Zeitgeist
Google ended the month of September by holding Zeitgeist, the annual conference it hosts for advertising partners and other clients. Zeitgeist is known for providing an open platform for the tech community to discuss topics ranging from search to social media, and for the most part, the 2011 edition held true to form. However, this year’s event was a bit different as it featured a rare appearance from Google CEO Larry Page.
Page took the stage to discuss some of the many projects Google currently has in the pipeline. Specifically, the chief executive talked about the company’s deeper foray into the search game, its fast growing social network Google+ and the pending acquisition of Motorola Mobility and how the deal will help with patent protection. In the process of discussing these individual initiatives, Page gave us all a reminder of just how much the company has on its plate.
And for dessert, Google has developed and is currently testing a car that can drive itself. Well, then. That about says it all, doesn’t it?