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For something so simple, email marketing can get pretty deep. The typical business using this method is up to their necks in testing procedures, going over reports and plotting strategy...
May 31, 2012
Yahoo! 小型企业能否自救于 CEO 灾难?
Yahoo is a company in turmoil. Despite a respectable first quarter earnings report and what looks to be at least a viable blueprint for recovery, there seems to be very...
May 22, 2012
Email marketing is often looked at as old school in today’s socially-charged internet environment, yet even the powerhouses of the...
May 3, 2012
Google+ 新版面解析
Google recently put the finishing touches to the first major redesign in the brief history of Google+. The makeover makes...
May 2, 2012
Facebook 自行开发不用 Google 的 Search Plus Your World
2012 has already been an interesting year for the search market, one filled with twists, turns and plenty of drama....
April 16, 2012
什么是社群发现(Social Discovery)?为什么它对营销人员如此重要?
雖然你可能從沒聽過這是什麼,但社群發現可不是什麼新玩意兒。它在這幾年來都是社群網路的核心,而且隨著 SXSW 的來臨逐漸為人熟知;SXSW 可說是本年度最不容錯過的潮流盛事。在奧斯汀年度慶典中的高曝光率,就是它從默默無名瞬間躍升為網路熱門話題的主要原因。 什麼是社群發現 社群發現可以說是一種在社群媒體上尋找使用者的過程。它可以只是簡單地在網路上找到某人,知道他們的名字、年齡和興趣;或真的找到某人的實際地理位置。前半部分只要在像 Facebook、Twitter 或 LinkedIn 這種網站就可以達成。第二種則比較複雜一點,這也是那些在 SXSW 中現身的應用程式如此引人興趣的原因。 在剛落幕的 SXSW 中,無數的社群發現應用程式首度公開。其中特別引人注目的有 Banjo、Glancee、Sonar 和 Highlight,尤其後者最近頗掀起了一番波瀾。雖然這些應用程式都是基於同樣的概念開發而成,但他們各自都有其特出之處。 舉例而言,Highlight 將所有和使用者有一面之緣的人列表,讓使用者可以找到和自身相關的人。Glancee...
March 28, 2012
Apple 和 Foursquare 放弃 Google Maps 转向 OpenStreetMap
Google has done a fabulous job of distinguishing Google Maps from competing solutions made by rivals like MapQuest and Yahoo....
March 27, 2012
Marvel 的「二度革命」是数位营销的榜样
The success of film series such as the Spiderman and X-Men franchises has the world thinking beyond comic books when...
March 22, 2012
Google 钱包保安秘诀,助你免于黑客入侵
Google Wallet, Google’s nifty mobile technology that turns your smartphone into a digital wallet, oozes convenience, but there was always...
March 6, 2012
利用 SEO 及电子邮件营销规划成功的 B2B 策略
Social media has changed the way B2B companies engage with clients and prospects. And even though the potential of this...
February 28, 2012