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A while back, we blogged on NASA and FoldIt using crowd sourcing to enable citizens to solve scientific mysteries not even veteran scientists could figure out. That particular story has...
February 23, 2012
Google 电子货币包:为智能型手机加分? 还是Buzz 的翻版?
What can’t you do with a smartphone these days? People use their mobile devices to find their way with turn-by-turn directions, read eBooks, share social updates and everything under the...
February 8, 2012
Last December, Twitter launched a new interface with the familiar goal of “enhancing the user experience.” At the same time,...
February 7, 2012
World renowned soft drink maker Coca-Cola decided to join Tumblr right before the new year and is wasting no time...
February 1, 2012
Louis C.K 靠着成本五美元的在线影片海捞超过二十万
The internet is steadily changing the way innovators spread the word about their products and share content with their audiences....
January 5, 2012
随着与 PIPA 和 SOPA 的战争越演越烈,Google 站出来了
From the looks of it, the government is on the verge of passing two bills that according to critics could...
January 4, 2012
假期后营销:Cyber Monday 的电子邮件营销课题
With Christmas over and done with, we’re already looking towards the holidays yet to come. And what better way to...
December 27, 2011
At one time, Bitcoin was riding high as the hottest piece of coin in the entire digital economy. That time...
December 13, 2011
The holiday season is a time of year most of us welcome with open arms. In our personal lives, we...
December 6, 2011
如何创建 B2B 网站
One of the biggest challenges B2B companies face today is creating content their prospects want to interact with. You have...
December 5, 2011