Trade shows don’t have to be boring – the relentless exposition of the same thing, again and again. Some businesses really put creativity and ingenuity into their trade show booths! Take a look…

1. Relax!

This booth sparks instant relaxation thoughts. The linens on the bed are smooth and in neutral colors, so anyone can imagine themselves lying down. The funny part is the cat – it takes an already attractive booth and adds an element of humor. You just know that if you were home, and that was your cat, he’d probably be lying on your head. Great design concept.

2. Awww!

This booth has several things going for it. The color is outstanding, and draws the eye. Photos of cute and cuddly animals will always bring people in. The only thing to improve this would be to have a real hamster or turtle in a cage. Animal people will be drawn there like bees to pollen.

3. Lights!

This booth is blinding! But you know what? They are very clear at what they sell – LED lights, in all shapes and forms. Grab your sunglasses…

4. YUM.

One of the best ways to ensure booth traffic is to feed your visitors. Everyone loves cupcakes – and these are beautifully displayed. Count me in. Multiple times (as will everyone else, so order way more cupcakes than you think you’d ever need).

5. Read!

We know exactly what they do here. Gorgeous display – love the 3d of the name. Do you wonder what that red phone is for? Adding visual interest like that heightens visitor response.

6. Would you sit here?

The table in front shows the usual swag. The people look halfway bored. So why isn’t anyone sitting in those awesome orange jellybean chairs?

7. You know you want to…

Everyone wants to be a pilot, or in space. Can booth visitors really climb into that flight simulator? I’m interested!

8. Just … wow.

I have no idea what they are selling. But the large scale electronic display is flashy!

9. Talk about interactive…

I want to ride the bike, AND climb into that huge wooden wheel. I love interactive trade booths. This will definitely be a busy day for that business.

10. That’s the end?

You can bet that everyone is standing around waiting in line to test these out. Is this the most successful booth, ever?

All photos are from Flickr Creative Commons Attribution License.


作者 richardlarson