At a time when just about every brand is engaged in a video marketing strategy, it is imperative for you to stand head and shoulders above the rest in order to get noticed by an increasingly video-barraged consumer base. Apply these top tips to your video marketing and earn the right to be called a Video Master Marketer!

  1. Adapt for mobiles – Not everyone watches your video on a 55 inch LED TV. You have to be sure that the video still transmits your message and has all branding elements completely visible on tablets as well as the smaller mobile phones.
  2. Call to action – What should you viewers do after watching the video? If they just leave, you end up with a lot of wasted potential. Inspire them to visit your site, come to your event, watch other videos or subscribe. Give them an easy way to do that.
  3. Generate a lot of content – Once you get people to come, give them a reason to come back again. Having a lot of subscribers doesn’t mean anything if you don’t use them. Entertain them with an ongoing regular posting schedule of new videos. A research shows that more successful brands have up to 50% more content than the less successful ones.
  4. Have value – Your goal is to create a commercial that doesn’t look like a commercial. The viewer comes to watch your video because he wants to, not because he’s forced to. Make sure he finds the time spent watching your video valuable.
  5. Post HD videos – Even though it takes more space and wastes more bandwidth, nobody wants looking at low quality footage. That is the main reason why you should record and upload all your videos in HD. Everyone can then reduce the quality through various display options available to them if needed.
  6. Interact – The journey isn’t over once you get a big number of views. Don’t leave questions unanswered and interact with your viewers. The comment section is an excellent place for this.
  7. Keywords – If your marketing campaign doesn’t have a keyword, think of one now. Use that keyword in order to pull in additional viewers. Place them in the title as well as the description.
  8. Optimize for search engines – Websites aren’t the only thing that require SEO. Your videos also need to appear high on search results in order for people to watch them. Use your keywords in the description, title and tags to help your prospective audience locate your videos. The top 25% global brands focus strongly on video SEO and apply a lot of tags.
  9. Use playlists – With playlists, you can easily make compilations of videos of your as well as partner companies. It offers people more stuff to watch and can keep them interested in their brand. You surely don’t want people to have watched everything you have to offer and sit there doing nothing.
  10. Create multiple videos – One video cannot cater to everyone. Some customers will be interested in getting the basic and most important information in a short span, while others would want to get informed about the details and wouldn’t mind spending some more time. Create multiple videos in order to satisfy everyone.
  11. Find aneditor –  The times of searching for a professional videographer are way behind us. Even smartphones are capable of recording a video in high definition now, and all you need is someone who has basic video shooting and editing skills. Additionally, you can buy a semi-professional DSLR camera such as the Canon SL1 that is available from some etailers for just under $500.
  12. Find the balance between long & short videos – If your audience is already familiar with your product and/or content, feel free to provide them with longer content. But make sure there is something interesting for them to keep on watching. People rarely watch videos for more than about three minutes unless it has something thoroughly intriguing going on.

作者 hallicino