In technology there is a term called “Moore’s Law” that has been around for over forty years. Originally it was an observation on micro chip performance or more specifically how the performance of micro chips doubled every 18 months. Moore’s Law has been more recently associated with tech gadgets such as laptops, mobile phones and digital cameras to name a few. These also fall under Moore’s Law doubling in speed or performance every 18 months.
So what has this got to do with blog promotion?
In the seven years I have been blogging there has been a Moore’s Law of sorts in how we successfully promote our blogs. While the “Moore’s Law In Blogging” is not related to speed, it’s rather a look at how the entire focus on blog promotion changes within a similar time period. It’s so important to stay up to date with these latest changes in the ways we promote our blogs and look out for the newest techniques. Below we look at the three most popular blog promotion techniques and how they are affected by Moore’s Law.
Moore’s Law In SEO
The Penguin and Panda changes are Goggles attempt to remove low quality and scraped/copied content from their search results. They also look for unnatural or paid links in your content and even take into consideration the quality of sites that link back to your content. Google have also started to use social signals in their algorithm over the last 18 months. So Moore’s Law really does fit when explaining SEO, who knows what changes Google will make in the next 18 months. As a blogger it is vital to keep your self up to date with the latest SEO news.
Moore’s Law In Social Media
You see, while it is impossible to see Facebook undergo a similar fate we just never know what can happen in the Moore’s Law timescale. Google+ now has over 500 million users so who’s to say they wont find the vital ingredient that draws users from Facebook to G+ ? If this were to happen those who use Facebook as a main source of traffic would suffer.
Social media has changed so much within our Moore’s law time period, Pinterest came from nowhere to be the fastest growing social network in history. Nobody could have seen that coming and while in nature it is too different to Facebook or Twitter to challenge those if you got on board Early you could have taken advantage and seen a huge spike in traffic to your blog.
Moore’s Law In Guest Posting
In the last 18 months we have seen changes to guest posting both positive and negative. More and more sites have opened up the guest authors giving newbies the chance to get their work and blog in from of more eyes. So no matter what niche your blog belongs to you have the opportunity to write for a major site.
On the negative side this has also attracted spammers and those accepting guest posts have to be more careful. For every high quality Guest Post submission in my experience there are twenty low quality posts. So I think we can agree there is a Moore’s Law in blogging and in order to continue growing your blog you need to be able to change with the times.