Tag Archives: 网络
撰写营销邮件:避开10 种常见雷区
营销邮件 产品是否能够成功营销,关键在于您的营销邮件内容是否生动、吸引人。 沟通过程中一旦稍有差池,坏事飞快传千里,消费者、客户、同事、主管、伙伴彷彿见猎心喜,纷纷在您背后数落过失。 我们列出十种错误示范,提醒大家切忌犯下相同错误。 1.字体未经编排统整 若您复制部份字句,贴到自己撰写的邮件里,请务必统一全篇字体,因为修改字体一点也不难,就跟使用荧光笔标记重点文字一样简单。 2. 公司名称拼写错误 别怪收件者根本不把你当一回事,谁叫你居然连自己的公司名称也会写错。办公室里应该随处可见公司全名,你没理由犯下这种错误。 3. 语法错误百出 正确的语法是邮件写作的重要一环。使用正确的语法,收件人就能轻松阅读,同时也可以协助您文章结构更加工整。 如何确认您的语法技巧与观念是否遵循最新用法?参考这两个网站: Resumention、Easywordcount,里面分享您所需要所有资料,包括博客以及参考范例。 4.邮件内容未经编修 不管哪一种写作类型,初稿总是表达不够到位。因此寄出邮件前,反复编修内容才显得特别重要。修一次不够,修两次,修到第三次也不算夸张。 不知道从何改起的话,网络资源像是 Big Assignments 这个网站集结了许多高手,教您如何快速编修。...
December 25, 2017
什么是 HTML,你对 HTML5 又能有什么期待?
There was a time when the web was chock full of nothing but static web pages whose only appeal was...
November 15, 2011
Trends have influenced the world for ages, but it is their method of distribution that is always changing. Now with...
November 10, 2011
Google Zeitgeist 只是 Google 完形的一小部分
You’ll be hard pressed to find many corporations working harder towards world domination than Google. From Android operating systems to...
November 10, 2011
When social media came to the table in 2005, marketers flew into a frenzy trying to create monetization avenues and...
November 9, 2011
Just when you think that quality products and services, excellent customer support and competitive prices are enough to make your...
November 9, 2011
In the beginning, the internet sprung fully formed from the head of Tim Berners-Lee… or at least that’s the urban...
November 3, 2011
When Facebook introduced its Open Graph last year, it became evident that the immensely popular social network had aspirations that...
November 3, 2011
Recent years have seen reportage on lack of reporting emerge as a growing trend among mass media outlets, and Occupy...
October 20, 2011
Netflix 放弃 Qwikster 并重新整合 DVD 服务
Price hikes are never going to garner rave reviews from customers. The decision to split streaming and DVD rental services...
October 18, 2011