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SEO会员营销案例:Email自动化营销系统,让会员信赖品牌|Ranking × 满客邮件
在诸多数位营销工具可选的时空背景下,电子报营销适合会员经营吗? 此次满客邮件有幸邀请到营销方面有数年经验的「Ranking」行销经理 — Valentina,与我们分享如何透过Email营销搭建品牌与会员的桥梁,并加深会员对品牌的信赖感。 你将看到: 如何透过EDM与会员建立桥梁 180天EDM营销规划流程图,让品牌信任感从无到有 提高开信率金三角,信件不再石沉大海 引爆流量的最佳SEO工具,去芜存菁的操作介与一站式的架构,让新手、老手皆可快速上手,更提供专业的关键字建议,替你省下大把的时间成本。 「不论经验深浅,Ranking都能让品牌排名快速成长」— Ranking行销经理-Valentina EDM营销是传递品牌价值给的最佳选择 Ranking 目前持续使用的数字营销工具有Facebook、Youtube、Line、EDM…. 而EDM对Ranking来说是一个与深度会员沟通的重要渠道,因为大部分人都不是第一次接触品牌就会信任品牌。刚建立的品牌,要怎么让会员对品牌有印象?让他信任品牌?比起其他数位营销工具,我认为EDM行销才是最佳选择。 不论是透过哪个渠道网罗而来的名单,一定都是对SEO工具或是其他营销资讯有兴趣的人,而EDM发送可以精准地将品牌想传递的价值给指定对象。对于收到EDM的会员来说会从不知道你是谁→认识品牌 →信任品牌,对于企业来说EDM渠道让品牌不需浪费时间与不对的消费者对话,让营销价值最大化。 180天EDM自动营销规划,让会员认识品牌转换付费 以Ranking来说,会员从注册会员到实际购买会需要一个180天的周期,那我们要如何让会员在这180天内从认识品牌进而有可能转换付费呢?EDM的自动化营销功能就是一个很有效的传递工具。...
September 9, 2021
Are you a DJ, a house cleaner, a landscaper or any local service professional who is trying to get more...
December 30, 2011
Last week I introduced the best of the best when it comes to marketing automation software. Because marketing has diversified...
December 29, 2011
小企业的未来:2012 营销趋势
Marketing can be described as a chameleon, always in transition and shifting to meet its current needs. In 2011 we...
December 28, 2011
促进网站转换的利器:Google、Clickdensity 与 Userfly
You may have heard the word before, but in the web world “conversion” doesn’t mean a religious shift. Rather, it...
December 12, 2011
I’ve been covering curated content for three weeks now, including reviews of Storify, Tumblr and Pinterest, Scoop.it, Paper.li vs Tweeted...
December 8, 2011
These days, it’s rare for authors to get published unless they have a web presence. Literary agents and publishers want...
December 7, 2011
If content is king, then video is queen…and anyone knows that a queen always trumps a king. So it comes...
December 6, 2011
网络业反对 SOPA 法案:太迟了吗?
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is House Bill number 3261 and is unquestionably one of the most misguided and...
December 2, 2011
Even the best of us make mistakes. Unfortunately, making mistakes with content marketing can be costly for your efforts. This...
December 1, 2011