If I ever started off a blog in this manner, with simply “read me,” then I doubt that anyone would want to stick around for the rest of the article. No matter how interesting or insightful what I have to say may be, this type of marketing tactic will scare customers away every time. Consumers are repulsed by the appearance of desperation and neediness.

This kind of overt advertising leads people to believe that something is wrong with the service or product a company is offering. Why are they trying so hard to get me to go there? What’s the catch? Why aren’t people going there already?

Your Spam Offends Me

It seems that most businesses understand this idea, yet they still seem to commit the same mishaps and pitfalls on their social media sites. While perusing Facebook pages, I see countless posts asking for people to come and try out their businesses. I have unsubscribed to many pages because they kept spamming my newsfeed with those types of posts.

Instead of being needy, companies should work on being engaging. Confidence sells much more than desperation. Like most situations in life, people are attracted to the person or company that exudes more confidence. Businesses should treat their followers and fans like VIPs behind a velvet rope. Instead of demanding them to come, give them incentives and a reason. Promote specials, discounts and events. People will come if they know that on Tuesday they will receive a 25% or 50% discount off of chili cheese fries.

Let the Client Decide

Engage clients by asking them questions and letting them decide what the special of the day will be. Anything free is always welcomed. And content will always be the cheapest free item a business can offer to people. Give out recipes, stories, lessons, how-to guides and so on. The content provided will significantly depend on your type of business.

No one wants to deal with a salesman. They want the product to speak for itself. Any good salesman or persuasive speaker understands that a sale doesn’t begin when they mention their product or services. The sale begins when you nonchalantly introduce the need for it.

Social media marketing is a powerful tool that should be used the right way. Be engaging, not needy!


作者 nelsonta