Just about every industry imaginable has been affected by the tech boom. Teachers are now required to enter student reports and track reading/math progress digitally; independent artisans with small businesses are now building their own apps to promote their products; marketing agencies across the globe are building entire new wings to house their social media departments. Even cab drivers are adopting the Square app to evolve their billing and database systems.

The fact is, the world is evolving and human knowledge is evolving with it. By 1900, it had taken 150 years to double all human knowledge to that point. Today that figure is cut down to just 1 to 2 years. That means, with each passing year, our collective knowledge will double. By 2020, that figure changes to just 72 days. As the figures illustrate, the world is evolving at voracious speeds.

Consider the world you live in today. With all the technology, apps, software, SaaS, cloud platforms at your fingertips, could you have imagined this level of technology five years ago…ten years ago…how about 20 years ago?

From entering the millennia in 2000 to now just 13 years later, society has transformed dramatically. Not only has our knowledge increased but our way of life has shifted completely from a tech-aware culture to a tech-obsessed one. Where once an elderly generation couldn’t access simple web-based email, seniors are now quick to chime in on Facebook and whip out their iPads. It’s an astonishing transformation of not only an entire population but of individuals who have made technology a part of their life when they never even owned a computer growing up.

Despite the overwhelming facts and daunting reality, the question is: why are so many employees still reluctant to adopt technology in the workplace?

Corporate Reluctance – If you’ve just hired a new and otherwise skilled employee who knows nothing about your company’s tech-inclusive attitude, you might want to blame the corporate culture they’re coming from. Too many enterprises are still hesitant to take on new software tools simply for a lack of knowledge. They’re not aware of the tools of the trade, which not only hinders their company growth but also dwarfs their employee’s relevance in a business world.

Training Gaps – “Here’s a company handbook and there’s the pile of work waiting for you. Dig in.” This is more or less the attitude facing most hires in town. There’s no wading in, no education, not even an entry interview to assess the best possible role for a new team member (rather than just filling a gap). Managers too often translate this attitude over to software. They don’t teach employees; they don’t even educate themselves on best practices in mobile social enterprise solutions.

Software – To get reluctant employees on board with tech, provide software that has proven high adoption rates and accommodates gradual adoption for more reluctant employees. Offer employees software that rewards tech-smart behavior and encourages business engagement along with professional development. Finally, continue the growth of your tech-savvy business team by charting out a discussion on a private social network that explores new ways your business and employees can continue to develop vital tech-friendly skills.

Corporate Culture – In order to thrive in a tech-smart business environment, you have to have a tech-smart business attitude. First find out what tech and software solutions exist for your industry, then find out which one best meets your needs. Software solution companies will help you train and educate your staff. After that, adopt a culture of open-mindedness in tech and create discussions to help foster new ideas that motivate employees and boost business performance.


作者 shireenqudosi