There are several mass videoconferencing providers from Google+ Hangouts to Skype and beyond. Regardless of particular platform they can all be of equal value in boosting your entire marketing approach if you follow these tips!

    1. Multiplex your approach. No matter what you’re promoting in conjunction with your event, the mass-ive benefit of mass videoconferencing is that you are able to multiplex your one-on-one sales process to get those attendees into those seats. You can answer questions from a group of people, have them interact with each other, and demonstrate the reality that your event really does have appeal to a large number of people. No one wants to be the first person on the bandwagon, or the first ticket buyer. When your prospects see that there is wide ranging interest in your event they are far more likely to take the plunge.
    2. Let’s party hearty. Where is it written in stone that all parties have to be held in a single physical location and in the presence of intoxicants? All of the major mass videoconferencing platforms offer a whole whack of “party” options that can be set up at your preference. Why not take a page from the Tupperware or Mary Kay marketing playbook and create a party where your invitees can chat among themselves, have questions answered, discover the background of the presenters and performers, watch demonstrations of what they can expect to experience at your event, and be able to do it all from the comfort of their computer or mobile device? They can even participate at your online event party from a bar where they can hold their iPhone in one hand and a beer in another. There you go! Instant party!
    3. Two’s company. One of the best ways to broaden the approach of your mass videoconferencing is to establish mutually beneficial synergies with another relevant company and sponsoring each other’s online get-togethers in order to boost both of your marketing initiatives. The choice of the other company is up to you but these arrangements work best when they are set up with a business that is complementary to your event, such as a major sponsor, an industry organization, or even the venue itself. If you’re presenting your event at a major city stadium, why not “team up” with the team that plays hockey or arena football there? You don’t have to restrict yourself to simple mentions or even presentation collaborations in team ups as you can ensure that there are ample areas on the display that are utilized to their best advantage through the placement of logos, signage and product placements from the collaborative company (of course alongside yours)!
    4. Invite the world. All mass videoconferencing platforms have a firm limit to how many participants you can have online at any one time which is usually between 10 and 20 people, but many of them allow an unlimited number of people to actually view the goings on and only being restricted to not being able to actively participate and put in their two cents’ worth. You’ll find that there are a lot more people who are interested in just passively viewing your event’s mass videoconference than there are ones who want to be vocal and participating. There are a lot more wallflowers in this world than there are exhibitionists. So you can cater to all of the people who just want to view without being a part of the videoconference by making that option very clear in the lead up to the date. You may be amazed at just how many people will watch!
    5. Look the part. Nothing is worse than showing up to lead a mass videoconference when you look like you’ve just been under your pickup doing an oil change. You’re going to be well-perceived in stylish but casual clothing which portrays your event message through a name tag, or a nicely embroidered polo shirt.

Reach out and involve your customers and stakeholders in an online electronic conference, symposium, or just a get-together, to forge bonds of trust and relevance which will pay dividends for your event marketing effort.


作者 hallicino