There are a growing number of ways to boost your blog traffic aside from just SEO. The brilliance behind an increased number of software and apps designed to do just about anything short of content development have also been geared to help bloggers build traffic. But it’s not just about traffic, it’s about the right kind of traffic.
Getting the right kind of traffic is actually more important than just traffic alone. Having a few hundred people visit your blog monthly and linger on it for at least 10 to 15 minutes is worth loads more than several thousand visitors going on there for under a minute – which just translates into a site that no one is interested in.
Once you understand this, you’ll understand Arkayne’s psychology. Arkayne focuses on building relationships with similar communities and then reaching out to those to create reader networks and frequent traffickers. Not only are you going to get readers that actually want to read your content, you’re also going to get a higher rate of people willingly talking about your blog to other like-minded people.
Arkayne also works to let bloggers know if their websites are fully optimized for SEO. Search engine optimization is unfortunately a lesser developed skill and often undervalued if not overlooked at all. It’s not difficult but it is a science that many bloggers just can’t be bothered wrapping their heads around. Arkayne does the wrapping for you – which is helpful for even more advanced bloggers who may not necessarily have the time to dig into SEO research.
Signing up is easy. Simply enter in an email, create a username and password, and you’re on to step two where you offer a small blurb about your blog. From there, new users are directed to select up to five communities ranging from culture, health, interests, people, sports, tech, work and world. Notice that that signing up with Arkayne refers you to a site called “BlogGlue,” which is still a part of Arkayne. BlogGlue is a lot like social sharing site GoodReads, but designed for blogs. You recommend what you’re reading, and others do the same. BlogGlue is social glue that lets users share ideas, lets companies better reflect themselves and their digital content and provides all users real-time updates.
Users currently employing Arkayne love the diverse application, powerful dashboard and the metrics/analytics. The app isn’t intrusive; it discreetly plugs its bar across the bottom of your existing dashboard. The whole setup also takes the preeminent lesson from the social web, and that’s to help promote others through the great content you’re coming across, and in turn help yourself.
However, Arkayne isn’t unique in promoting blog sharing. Popular and perhaps better known AddThis does much of the same. AddThis is a free sharing tool that’s gained a strong foothold primarily because it’s so simple to use. The downside is that you can’t remove the logo, which a lot more professional bloggers frown upon. Those continuing on to use the app can register their profile and use the “buckets” of data to share content via dissemination and bookmarking tools. AddThis also offers analytics so you can understand how your content is being shared.
If nothing else, AddThis highlights the popularity of simple design and superb functionality. AddThis boasts 93 million monthly shares across users, with content averaging 115 clicks per item across 1.2 billion unique monthly visitors.
Previously covered Zemanta does the same in terms of blog sharing, as does OnlyWire. OnlyWire offers syndication and social book markings to help automate submissions to over 50 social networks (and free up to the first 300 submissions). All they want in exchange is a promotional assistance by promoting the service on their site, blog and Facebook page.