What do ReadWriteWeb, The White House and Pew Internet all have in common? They all use SlideShare. Drawing in over 60 million monthly users, SlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing presentations online in document, PDF, video and webinar formats. SlideShare allows users to upload presentations both publicly and privately, and in turn viewers can download presentations on any topic. Here are seven more reasons why you should use SlideShare for your next presentation…

  1. Market Research
    Find out what’s “hot” across all top social channels through SlideShare’s home page. The homepage shares top daily presentations, featured presentations, top content across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and notably top content across conference channels. This is where competitor analysis comes in; scope out what your competition is doing or get ideas for new content. You can also use feeds to curate from and fuel your own curated content.
  2. Content Marketing
    “Let your content do the marketing” couldn’t be made any simpler with SlideShare PRO, a premium feature (ranging from $19/mo to $249/mo) that allows for targeted marketing. It includes branded channels, analytics, lead capturing, large uploads, privacy features, meeting capabilities, bonus LinkedIn features and ad free pages. If you’re a smaller business, you can make the most out of the modestly priced $19/month price point. It doesn’t give you everything you want or need, but it will let you work with a lower fee until you work out a process that suits your team best and lets you determine if this platform is suitable.
  3. Social Sharing
    In accordance with the trend of building on data, a trend compounded by social media, SlideShare users can also reuse and remix any of the presentations into their own creations. All presentations can be embeddable and shareable on leading social networks (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). In fact, SlideShare is the most popular 3rd party app on LinkedIn.
  4. Video Integration
    SildeShare also allows for Slidecasts. With Slidecasts, users can sync mp3 audio with slides to create a unique webinar and even embed YouTube videos into their Slideshare presentations.
  5. SEO
    Studies show that first page search engine results yield 88% higher clicks, which makes SEO a formidable beast to tackle for any small business marketing team. With SlideShare, your content is pushed to the right audience using “high-value” SEO. Anyone who has dabbled with SEO knows it’s the cost heavy side of internet marketing. Not anyone can do it and anyone that does is charged a pretty penny. The fact that SlideShare already factors in SEO is one of the most attractive reasons for new users to get on board.
  6. Capture Leads
    Premium users can take advantage of analytics and tools that help them convert and track user patterns all the way to closing the deal. For instance, all downloadable presentations can include signup forms so the company is aware of who is downloading what and can follow up on the lead. Some users have turned the tables and incorporated SlideShare into their existing CRM and marketing workflows, allowing them to take advantage of lead capturing within systems they’re already using.
  7. Diversified Application
    Just about anyone can use SlideShare. Use it for your next live event and then keep the content available on your channel for those who couldn’t make the presentation. There’s no shelf life expiration aside from the value of your content. Keep your slides up for increased visibility among new crowds of people searching for your expertise. With over 60 million monthly hits, there’s a much higher potential for the right audience to come across your content than they would on your site alone.

作者 shireenqudosi