Internet marketers are probably all too familiar with Chicago’s Domino’s Pizza legend Ramon DeLeon, but for those of you out of the loop, here’s a bit of back story. DeLeon has been a true entrepreneur of Internet marketing through his honest and innovative use of social media and Internet video. The result of his strategy has been a huge boost in brand awareness and improved revenue for his Domino’s Pizza stores, which is certainly tough to do in what can arguably be considered the pizza capital of the world.

The following article takes a look at some of the effective uses of Internet video pioneered by DeLeon, and how such approaches could benefit your brand, business or blog.

1) Connections Come First

Internet video has long been used to promote products and services, but how often do you use Internet video to build a connection? In fact how often do you use Internet video to build a connection with one individual? I don’t mean a collective “one,” I mean a real, singular member of the average general public. I bet the answer is “Seldom to never.”

DeLeon made this idea of connecting with that one individual a vital component to his online strategy, in this video to a customer created the morning after an order went awry:

That particular example has been shown around the world and viewed by over fifteen thousand online users. It’s not just small regional businesses either who have gotten wise to this effective video technique. Old Spice took to this idea with gusto:


Building a connection is far more powerful and far more effective than trying to create a quick sale. By taking the time and money to extend thanks, apologies or even just saying hey to online users, you can make a connection with that user for life. These instances not only create a lasting connection between brand and customer, but also spread a huge amount of conversation and word of mouth online promotion.

2) Video Apologies Work

DeLeon’s clip shows a great business-to-customer communication between himself, his colleague and a dissatisfied consumer. For a business of any size to take the time out to apologize to one individual customer is exceptional. The level of customer service this provides and the representation of how important any one customer is to the brand is fantastic. This will undoubtedly spark online interaction and increase brand awareness for both DeLeon and Domino’s Pizza.

Now this is not just a regional concept, nor is it always a one-to-one exchange. Sony for instance apologized publicly to thousands of event attendees and thousands of online viewers, for the downtime their Playstation Network suffered a while back, and here’s how they did it: .

I’d like to draw your attention to some of the comments these uses of apologetic videos received.

Domino’s Pizza (DeLeon):

Playstation (Sony):

Both videos received thousands of views and have been talked about across the world on and off the web. Admitting to a mistake, addressing it in a timely manner and focusing that apology on your audience is a powerful way to restart the conversation about your business. Its power, ultimately, is a reflection of its authenticity. Create real solutions and take genuine care in their presentation.

3) Create an Internet Video Presence

Internet video is one of the most popular forms of media on the web, so it’s little surprise that a good one is quickly shared across websites and social platforms. Being a part of this media by making engaging and interactive video content can quickly put you into a position to have your content spread across the web too.

Our celebrated Pizza guy DeLeon created engaging content by connecting with his customers whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied, but there are many other ways to make influential video content.

Creating tutorials, instructional videos, interactive videos, webinars, streamed live events or just creating entertaining content could help you to build a strong online presence in both the video community and the social community. Generating this sort of presence for your brand, business or blog will certainly put you on the fast track to boosting revenue, increasing website traffic, creating higher levels of website traffic and building up your social networks.

These three online video practices can help you build your brand, engage customers and authenticate your business. What are some of the ways that you or your company have used online videos to market your brand? Share in the comments below!


作者 Andy Havard